Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dick Cheney's heart and other small packages.

The Brain Freeze Times

Dick Cheney has no pulse.
Yeah apparently he had some major heart surgery where a pump is doing all the work. He legally has no pulse anymore and has to wear a bracelet that says so, in case something happens and people assume he's a zombie.

Here's the thing... I know what happens when you ASS-U-ME but come on! We already knew he was undead.

Political Humor Failures aside,

Good things come in small packages.
I am, of course, referring to muffins.
It has come to my attention that someone (ok, one person) wants me to do a segment on muffin flavors. Please comment with your favorite muffin flavor. I'd like someone, anyone, even someone minus a muffin fetish, to comment just so I can know someone has read this.

In other news...
I'm co-authoring a book!!!!
I'm supposed to just be dropping hints here but it was inspired by another Ass in our life.
And everyone please meet my co-author DinoRwar!
I'll let her post what she wants of the book, its still a major Work in Progress but a one-eyed peg legged pirate could see how much potential this project has (the peg leg really has nothing to do with it. Just painting a picture).

Love and cupcakes! (Oh fine, muffins!)

1 comment:

  1. Wait, so does that mean I can't comment if I have a muffin fetish. (._.) Darn.
    Hehe, imma co-author! Yi-pee!!!!
    I wouldn't say the book was inspired by the Ass, I say what the Ass forced us to do was what moved us to start writing.
    On that note...goodbye!!
