Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hold the Cheese

If you've noticed, I've been trying to emulate popular news outlets. I just read them recently and am officially giving up on creativity. Definitely cheesier than I had envisioned, so I'm taking a dairy free diet. ( Okay, now I'm done. )
Today's post will be short, simply about a particular TV show I'm loving.
All Hail Tosh.0
Thats Tosh-point-oh for those of you who're actually interested. And it is the funniest show on television.
Hosted by comedian Daniel Tosh, the "apple-tini" sipping manly jock man no one is quite able to categorize, this show is priceless from start to finish. The show is based on the zany videos circling around the world wide web. Tosh.0 is that hub where they are gently picked up, dusted off, and then blasted to pieces with a sarcasmimplosion of... well... sarcasmimplosion is the best there is. Just watch the show. I've run out of negative adjectives.

There! I hope that was a good post. Although, on a scale of One to Internetless Nomad, in terms of comments, this blog is Amelia Airheart. And for those of you who are living under a rock, which is apparently all of our readers, she disappeared off the face of the Earth.

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